• 參賽者必須在2022年7月31日或之前年滿18歲。參賽者可同時參加不同組別的比賽,每一組別只限提交一份作品。 Entrant must be aged 18 years old by July 31st 2022. Entrant can submit one entry in each category.
  • 參賽之作品須於徵件期結束日前三年內 (即2019年8 月1 日至2022年7月31日期間) 拍攝,且參賽前不曾出售、出版或於任何其他比賽中獲獎。 The entry must have been taken within three years before the deadline of the entry period (i.e. taken between: 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2022) and may not previously have sold, published or won any award in any contest.
  • 所有參賽者必須確保參賽作品符合指定之規格,上載作品前,請先閱讀比賽章程 All entrants must ensure that their entries meet the submission guidelines as stated in ‘How to Enter’. Please read “How to Enter” carefully before submission.

徵件日期 Entry Period

2022年6月1日至7月31日 23:59:59止(香港時間) June 1st, 2022 ~ July 31st, 2022, 23:59:59 (Hong Kong Time)

上載作品 Submission